Software Development Maxims
This is a collection of thoughts, theories, and takeaways to remind myself of how I want to think about software development. Your mileage may vary.
Agile Planning
- A release should generally not be larger than 6 months.
- All stories in a release must be written in order for the release to be estimated.
- The minimum necessary amount of development documentation for a project should never be a separate planned story or task. It is a part of every story or task.
- Skipping development documentation will ALWAYS cost more than habitually creating it (unless the project is abandoned).
Estimates & Time Management
- There is no such thing as a fraction of a person.
- Any development split over multiple working periods will overall take longer than if it were uninterrupted.
- It is not practical to estimate work to account for interruptions because the quantity, frequency, and impact of interruptions varies.
- All meetings should be scheduled in advance and have a published agenda.
- When a professional makes a mistake they clean up the mess.
- Professionals speak truth to power (firmly but respectfully).
- Hard decisions are best made through the confrontation of adversarial roles.
- Single Responsibility Principle - a software module should have only one reason to change (should be driven by a single owner with a single purpose)
- Open-Closed Principle - Open to extension, closed to modification; change by adding code rather than changing code
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle - avoid direct dependencies
- Dependency Inversion Principle - avoid dependencies on volatile concrete elements of a system, prefer stable abstractions
- Teams take time to form, storm, norm, perform; therefore it makes sense to avoid unnecessarily repeating the form/storm/norm process;
- There is no such thing as half a person on a team
- I will not say something works unless it has been thoroughly tested.
- Skipping tests is the same as stealing from a future developer. When we skip writing tests we steal their ability to be productive and make cost effective changes to a system.